My second test of Alpacka Yukon packraft took place still on lakes (April 9, 2011), but with high winds and some chop.
I used a heavier load on a bow of my packraft – a drybag containing my photo geart inlcuding Canon DSLR camera, a tripod and flash. The packraft was tracking much better. And, it seems to be not a big problem to paddle against 20 mph wind with some stronger gusts (30mph?).
I explored 3 of 7 lakes within Fort Collins’ Riverbend Ponds Natural Area covering about 3 miles. Because of wind I didn’t unpack my big camera. The above snapshot was made with Pentax Optio W30, a waterproof camera on duty in all my paddling.
Related post:
Speed Test of Alpacka Yukon Packraft