I managed to attend one rescheduled race. As a self supported paddler I am making hotel reservations at both ends of the race course and Amtrak reservation for my shuttle back to Kansas City. So, changing reservations is not easy …
I missed the 2011 race. It was delayed by one month due to flooding, then canceled, but finally rescheduled for October. A cold and wet race. It could be a good run in Sea Wind canoe.
When I arrived to Kaw Point for the 2014 event I learned that the race was rescheduled due to flooding, but I paddled the race course together with a few other Kruger boats. The river was fast, there were some trees and debris floating in places. I would not like to paddle in a fragile racing kayak. It was my fastest time on the race course, 51 hours, self supported run with a usual shuttle by Amtrak (I left the boat in a hotel). Here are some snapshots from that paddling.
I can paddle my Kruger Sea Wind canoe in any river conditions, but 2017 is my SUP year …
I am just packing my Starboard Expedition paddleboard for the race and leaving for Kansas City tomorrow. And, there are heavy storms forecasted over Missouri and the risk of river flooding again. Well, I keep packing, just lurking occasionally at hydrological forecast for Missouri River.

I just activated my 2017 MR340 spot track map (I am still in Fort Collins, CO).
Related posts:
2016 Missouri River 340 Paddling Race from Kansas City to St Charles
Hand Protection and Maintenance during Long Distance Paddle Race
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