Create your own path: inspiration from winter paddling and rowing

Your path isn’t something you find. It’s something you create.

I recently posted a short YouTube video, Create your own path inspired by my winter paddling and rowing adventures on Horsetooth Reservoir and Carter Lake, along with some summer scenes from Boyd Lake in northern Colorado. The video features my Sea Wind expedition canoe and LiteRace 1x rowing shell by Liteboat. Horsetooth Reservoir has already pretty high water level making it interesting to navigate between ice, sandstone cliffs and submerged trees.

Training for the MR340: Following the Flow or Creating a Path?

I’m training with my Sea Wind canoe for the Missouri River 340 (MR340) race – a 340-mile endurance challenge from Kansas City to St. Charles. Watching my video, I started wondering: does its message apply to the MR340 or other long-distance river races?

Maybe the real lesson should be: stay in the channel, follow the flow, have fun.

But, … the fact that you have signed for something like MR340 and are training for it means that you are creating your own path. What do you think?

More Winter Paddling Videos

If you enjoy winter paddling, you might like these longer videos:

These are part of my Outdoor scenery for indoor workouts series alongside rowing and biking footage.

I am also exploring different concepts in my stock photography including a sketch illustrating the ‘create your own path’ idea.

Behind the Scenes

The video was shot with DJI Action 5 camera and music is licensed from Epidemic Sound.

Let me know your thoughts! Are you creating your own path?

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