2019 Racing Season
My last paddle racing season was 2019. Missouri River 340 race was canceled in its regular format due to flooding. However, I paddled in other long races on the Missouri River: South Dakota Kayak Challenge, 72 miles from Yankton, SD to South Sioux City, NE, and Fort to Field Paddle Battle, 50 miles from Fort Randall Dam, SD to Springfield. SD. Then, it was a new race in Nebraska: Hills 2 Forest Middle Loup Kayak Race, 33 miles on the Middle Loup River starting below Seneka to Halsey (Nebraska National Forest). Finally, Chatajack 31, 31 miles through the Tennessee River Gorge. For all of these races, I opted to compete on stand-up paddleboards, using my SIC Maui X-14 (14’x28″) and my old Starboard All-Star board (14’x26″ for the Nebraska race).

2020-2022 No Racing Seasons
I kept paddling during these 3 years, but in the last year I probably spent more time on my bikes (fat bike or gravel bike) than on water. Alongside these activities, I’ve also developed a new fitness routine. About a year ago, I started working out with “long and awkward” objects such as Indian clubs, steel clubs, and steel mace. Later, I added swinging Persian meels to my routine, which quickly became my favorite exercise that I perform almost every day. I’ve also been rebounding on a Bellicon mini trampoline
I’m excited to share my fitness journey in a new blog Fitover67, and YouTube channel under the same name. It is not just about physical workouts, but more about healthy lifestyle in an older age, and how I am trying keep my body, mind and soul happy. I don’t really feel like a senior at 67, perhaps, more like an aging athlete. Feel free to check out my playlists, which cover a variety of activities: paddling, trampoline rebounding, Indian clubs and Persian meels, and sound healing.
2023 Goals and Challenge
Well, I missed paddling and racing …
So, I decided to start off the New Year in a positive way by registering for the 2023 Missouri River 340 race in a solo class and took my Seawind expedition canoe for short paddling on Horsetooth Reservoir.
My first 13 years with MR340 race
I have been with this race from the very beginning in 2006. I always paddled solo finishing the race 11 times. I missed some races postponed due to flooding. And once, I paddled the race course in flooding stage when the race was rescheduled. Over the years, I’ve paddled in 7 different boats, but 5 times Kruger’s Seawind canoe. The 8 last races were unsupported and I used Amtrak for a shuttle, i.e, traveling back to Kansas City to retrieve my parked car. In 2017, I tried something new and completed the MR340 race on a stand-up paddleboard (SUP). The following year, I did it again. For a more detailed history of my MR340 paddling experiences, feel free to check out my blog.

2023 MR340 ?
Seawind canoe is the best and proven option for me to run the MR340 race. She provides a good balance of comfort and speed for a long endurance race. Plus, it can handle any river condition with ease. Years ago, I tried to develop a “scientific” method of selecting a boat for a specific ultra marathon race. The Seawind canoe was the clear winner then. Even with my updated paddling fleet, it remains my top choice for the 2023 MR340 race.
That said, I can’t help but feel tempted to challenge myself with a stand-up paddleboard this time around. I’ll have to see how my training goes, but I believe I’m still in decent paddling shape. However, as I get older, I’m facing new challenges like digestion issues and poor sleep and recovery. These issues can seriously affect my ability to manage fatigue and fuel during an endurance race.
All in all, 2023 is shaping up to be an interesting year for me. In addition to the MR340 race, I’m considering participating in some shorter river races.
MR340 oriented videos on my YouTube channel
Meanwhile, I’ve posted a couple of videos related to MR340 race on my YouTube channel, and probably will create some more. Please let me know if you have any comments, suggestions or questions. I am always ready to sit in my canoe and keep talking about paddling and racing.
What other topics would you like me to cover in future videos? What has been your biggest challenge in preparing for a race like the MR340?
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